I'm a developer and designer with a big passion for everything that has to do with the internet, such as making websites, creating apps,...
I graduated in 2019 as a web developer/designer from Interactive Multimedia Design at Thomas More Mechelen, and graduated in 2021 from Electronics-ICT Application Development at Thomas More - De Nayer in Sint-Katelijne-Waver.
invoice system
Website developed for EmSys, to help in preparing and generating offers, as well as in finding the cheapest components from different distributors by their APIs.
Poster in PDF formaat: Facturatiesysteem
xamarin bank application
Mobile application with accounts, cards and transactions. API developed with ASP.NET.
android walking application
Mobile CRUD application for walks, made in Android Studio.
python multiplayer quiz
A multiplayer quiz made with python, that runs over a local network
Github: PythonQuiz
angular movie application
Web application for movies made with Angular. Use of modules, components, services, routes, routing guards, models, validators, directives, pipes and unit tests.
Github: AngularMovieApp
kweeni app
A team project where users can ask questions about class related subjects. They can login with Facebook and receive answers in real time.
Website: kweeni.herokuapp.com
The popular café game Pietjesbak made in React Native.
Video: youtube
An escape room app in Augmented Reality, made with Entiti.
Website: youtube
location clock
A clock made with Arduino that shows your location when you connect with the webpage.
Website: youtube
to do app
Students can create and share todos for a certain subject, the teacher can see the workload of the students.